





The excitement is natural as there is no one really in charge right now. Just two days ago, he held up a kipper in a plastic bag and said it was the European Union regulations which had forced all fish to be wrapped in plastic bags with ice cushions. Her reign may seem short, but it lasted more than 1,000 days, and she was Prime Minister longer than at least three other Prime Ministers — Anthony Eden, Alec Douglas-Home and Gordon Brown.

Others are telling us how washing in cold water is better and more energy saving than hot water.”He came across the letter written by Sir Kim during the course of his investigation — though this was unrelated to Brexit. But then, as someone said, English men at last did what women did long ago. Water at exactly the required temperature is poured over it by the tea sommelier. Stella McCartney, the fashion designer and Beatle Paul McCartney’s daughter, claims that she does not insist her undergarments be cleaned after each day’s use. Once the double-tied match ended with England’s victory, Lords cricket ground exploded.We await the result of the contest within the Conservative Party, but it looks pretty certain to be Boris Johnson.As the country awaits a new Prime Minister, the period of uncertainty has meant that it is open season for Londoners to engage in conspiracy theories.

But of course, until people don’t return to the good old bucket bath, and give up showers and bath tubs — consumption of water will remain very high. The audience had as many people from the diaspora of the subcontinent as the natives. Three helpings are possible. But for his recent separation from his wife Marina, he could have been the son-in-law of Punjab. Now a remarkably young journalist, 19-year-old Steve Edginton, has claimed he had dug them out from a civil service source. Two — Callaghan and Brown — were Labour.If you really want to have high tea, there is now a place near Victoria where you can spend a fortune on a pot of tea. On Sunday, she was at the Wimbledon Men’s Final as well as the final overs of the Cricket World Cup and ended the evening dancing away.

The publication of the cables in turn led to a row in which Mr Trump called Sir Kim “wacky” and the diplomat had to go. Without anyone noticing, Moeen Ali and Rashid quietly disappeared so as not to be drenched in alcohol — perhaps because it is considered haraam. Typical Boris. The tea leaves are carefully weighed and measured. Rachel Hayhoe Flint had captained the English women’s side to a World Cup victory 40 years ago. He is unlikely to be arrested (freedom of the press is dear to all) but the prospect was raised by the assistant police commissioner, Neil Basu, who spoke about stern action against leaks of this nature. Five of them have been Conservative: Eden, Macmillan, Home, Major and May. However, rumours are that Rishi Sunak, who has been a junior minister, is up for promotion and Priti Patel will be back as well.Boris Johnson’s arrival as a new Prime Minister without having won a general election is another trend. Since the end of World War II, he will be the eighth such Prime Minister.Boris is great at making up fake news all by himself and has been doing it for many years.

With the Barbados-born Jofra Archer as the English player who bowled the super over, the English team is multi-racial. Now, Mr Edginton apparently fears arrest but says he will not reveal his source.The best of all possible and most nail biting occasion of course was the World Cup cricket victory for England for the first time in 40-plus years. Mr Edginton says, in a newspaper article, that he had been working on a story where he “decided to aim big and investigate how the civil service has been preparing for Brexit, including what senior government officials really think about our impending departure from the European Union. One of them revolves around the question of who actually revealed the diplomatic cables sent by the former ambassador to the US, Sir Kim Darroch, about Donald Trump.Climate change being the new fashionable concern, celebrities are joining the act. Thus was yet another anti-EU story but it turned out to be totally fake: it is a UK regulation, not EU. We are in the last week of Theresa May’s prime ministerial career in which she has further transformed into someone bold and funny and decisive. The price? Just £500. Rubens Hotel serves a rare brand of Sri Lankan tea which has to be sipped slowly on its own. Champagne bottles exploded. The civil service seems to be the one safe harbour plastic injection moulding machine price in these uncertain times, and to mix metaphors, is it turning into a leaky ship?The other excitement is in politics



No Name Ninja